Jumat, 30 Juli 2021

Hukum Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary Dan Similar Expression Of Modal Yang Harus Kita Ketahui

Modal Auxiliary

Modal ialah kata kerja bantu yang berfungsi memperlihatkan makna komplemen pada kata kerja utama yang mengikutinya.

Jenis-jenis Modal Auxiliary











Had to








Ought to


Had better


Would rather

Lebih suka





Similar Expression of Modal ( SEoM ) 
Similar Expression of Modal ( SEoM ) ialah bentuk yang serupa dengan modal secara structure dalam hal ini penggunaanya lebih flexibel daripada modal murninya.





Be going to



Be able to



Used to

Dulu terbiasa


Be supposed to



Be alowed to



Have to
Have got to
Be to


Peraturan penggunaan Modal Auxiliary
1. Modal bentuknya selalu tetap.
Contoh : 
*Farhan can run fast. 
*You may eat this cake
*He shall come here
2. Modal selalu bertemu Bare Invinitive.
Contoh :
*Fitri can speak English fluently.
*Farhan must go home.
*You may eat this cake. 

3. Modal murni dilarang bertemu modal murni. Solusinya gunakan SEoM.
Contoh :
*Fitri harus sanggup berbahasa Inggris.
*Fitri must can speak English.(salah)
-Fitri must be able to speak English. (benar)

4. Modal tidak sanggup diawali/diikuti oleh to invinitive. Solusinya gunakan SEoM.
Contoh :
*Fitri ingin sanggup berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan lancar.
-Fitri wants to can speak English fluently. (salah)
-Fitri wants to can to speak English fluently. (salah)
-Fitri wants to be able to speak English fluently. (benar)

5.Jika dalam kalimat hanya terdapat 1 modal boleh diganti dengan SEoM .
Contoh :
*Fitri can speak English well.
-Fitri is able to speak English well.
*I can speak English well.
-I am  able to speak English well.
*We can speak English well.
-We are able to speak English well.

6. Modal tidak sanggup diikuti Auxiliary yang lain kecuali have dan be.
Contoh :
*Banu would has visited me . (salah)
-Banu would have visited me. (benar) 

7. Modal tidak sanggup masuk tenses Perfect dengan makna perfect kecuali will, would, shall, should .

Peraturan penggunaan SEoM
Fungsi dan peraturan penggunaan Similar Expression of Modal.
1. Untuk menghindari bertemunya dua modal murni.
2. Boleh ada 2 SEoM dalam 1 kalimat.
3. Boleh diawali/diikuti oleh to infinitive.
4. Bisa masuk  ke semua Tenses , kecuali Used to.
Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan tabel dibawah ini.

          M + MM + SEoM
          M + MSEoM + SEoM
          M + MSEoM + M

Itulah Aturan Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary dan Similar Expression of Modal yang Harus Kita Ketahui. Semoga bermanfaat dan sanggup menambah pengetahuan khususnya yang sedang mempelajari grammar bahasa Inggris.

Rabu, 28 Juli 2021

Fungsi 14 Modal Auxiliary Dan Pola Kalimat

 postingan saya sebelumnya yang membahas wacana   Fungsi 14 Modal Auxiliary dan Contoh Kalimat
Artikel ini ialah lanjutan dari  postingan saya sebelumnya yang membahas wacana Aturan Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary. Kali ini saya akan membahas pembagian Modal menurut tenses.

Modal menurut tenses dibagi menjadi dua yaitu:
Modal Real Perfect atau modal aktual , yaitu modal will, would ,shall, should yang dipakai oleh 8 tenses.
Modal will,would, shall, should mempunyai makna akan. Sedangkan modal unreal perfect ialah semua modal yang tidak bermakna akan.

Fungsi-fungsi modal


CAN dipakai untuk menyatakan kemampuan ( Ability )
*I can speak English well.
*He can finish his duty quickly.
CAN dipakai untuk meminta izin.
*Can I borrow your book ?
*Can we leave this room ?
CAN dipakai untuk menyatakan kemungkinan (Possibility)
*Pick her now ! She can wait for you.
*I want to meet Sheyla. She can be at home.

COULD ialah bentuk past dari CAN.
COULD dipakai untuk menyatakan kemampuan di masa lalu.
*Nino could answer that question well yesterday.
*Tom could pass examination last week.
COULD dipakai untuk menyatakan seruan yang sopan.
*Could you help me now Jim?
*Coul you lend me money ?
COULD dipakai untuk menyatakan kemungkinan di masa lalu.
*Maya could be angry last time.
*She could go home at that time.

SHALL dipakai dalam bentuk future yang bermakna akan dengan subjek
I dan We.
*We shall go by bus tomorrow.
*I shall phone my aunt soon.
SHALL dipakai untuk menyatakan janji.
*I shall propose you soon as possible.
*We shall attend your birthday party.


SHOULD ialah bentuk lampau dari SHALL.
*We should visit you last night but it was raining.
*I should take my sister to a dentist butb my motor bike got broken.
SHOULD dipakai untuk menyatakan proposal atau nasehat.
SHOULD berakna seharusnya,sebaiknya atau semestinya.
*You should go on vacation becau you are bored.
*Icha should improve your English.


WILL dipakai untuk menyatakan tragedi yang akan datang.
*She will continue her study next year.
*Will Antony lend us his notebook tonight.
Jika tragedi itu niscaya kita gunakan BE GOING TO.
*Mrs.Herny is going to explayning this lesson.
*Is he going to fly tomorrow morning ?
WILL dipakai untuk menyatakan permintaan.
*Wiil you give her a new car ?
*Will you accompany me to go shopping ?

WOULD ialah betuk past dari WILL.
WOULD juga bisa bermakna present atau future.
WOULD dipakai untuk menyatakan tragedi yang akan terjadi di masa lampau..
*Keanu would go camping last week.
*Would Ben marry you two year ago ?
WOULD dipakai untuk menyatakan permintaan.
*Would you help me ? (Sudikah kau membantuku)
Pola variasi WOULD yang artinya sudikah/maukah/keberatankah ?
1. Would you like + to infinitive ?
2. Would you mind + Gerund ?
3. Would you mind + if + S + V2 ?
*Sudikah kau meminjamiku uang ?
-Would you like to lend me money ?
*Keberatankah kau membawakan taski ?
-Would you mind bringing my bag ?
*Keberatankah kalau saya menemaniku ?
-Would you mind if I accompany you ?


MAY bermakna mungkin atau boleh.
MAY digukana untuk meminta ijin.
*May I see my value ? Yes , you may.
*May I smoke in this room ? No, you may not.
MAY dipakai untuk mengatakan kemungkinan ( Possibility )
*She is absent now. She may get sick.
*Phone him now ! He may answer your phone.
MAY dipakai untk doa atau pengharapan.
*May God bless you.
*My God grant all your whises.
*May they be happy forever.


MIGHT ialah bentuk past dari MAY.
MIGHT juga bisa bermakna present ataupun future.
MIGHT dipakai untuk menyatakan kemungkinan di masa lampau.
*She might watch a circus with her boyfriend last night.
*Jhon might be late yesterday .
MIGHT dipakai untuk menyatakan ijin.
*Might I help you ?
*Might we come a bit late tonight ?


MUST bermakna harus.
MUST dipakai untuk menyatakan keharusan.
*We must be on time. ( Kami harus sempurna waktu )
*I must be a success people.
MUST dipakai untuk menyatakan larangan ( Prohibition )
*You musn’t smoke in an conditioning room.
Note : MUST tidak boleh dipakai untuk menyatakan tidak adanya
Needn’t (don’t/doesn’t have to ) digunakann untuk menyatakan tidak
adanya keharusan (No Obligation)
Needn’t ialah lawan kata dari must. Must artinya harus , needn’t
artinya tidak harus.
Makara untuk menyatakan tidak harus gunakan needn,t bukan musn’t karena
must’t atau must not artinya dilarang.
Contoh kalimat :
*You needn;t come now.
*You don’t have to come now.
Needn’t (don’t/doesn’t have to ) dipakai untuk menyangkal pertanyaan
dengan memakai MUST.
Contoh :
*Must I return the book now ? No, you needn’t.
*Must we join you ? No, you don’t have to.
MUST juga bisa diganti dengan HAVE/HAS TO yang bermakna harus.
Contoh :
*He must type the letter now. Atau He has to type the letter now.
*We must obey parents. Atau We have to obey parents.
MUST tidak mempunyai bentk lampau. HAD TO dipakai untuk bentuk
lampau dari MUST, HAS TO, HAVE TO.
Contoh :
I had to pay bill yesterday.
Did Safina have to cook last night ?
Did dipakai untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative .


OUGHT TO bermakna semestinya, seharusnya, seyogyanya.
OUGHT TO dipakai untuk nasehat atau saran.
*She ought to study harder.
*You ought to send your application letter soon .
*Ought they visit the Borobudur temple tomorrow ?


HAD BETTER ialah modal auxiliary yang bermakna seharusnya, sebaiknya, semestinya.
Note : HAD BETTER bukan untuk menyatakan perbandingan (comparison)
HAD BETTER dipakai untuk menyatakan saran atau nasehat.
*They had better go early.
*Had I better leave by train ?
*Tono had better not ride a motorbike to school.
*She had better not go now.


WOULD RATHER dipakai untuk menyatakan lebih suka .
WOULD RATHER hanya bisa diikuti oleh Verb Bare Invinitive.
*Saya lebih suka minum teh daripada kopi.
-I would rather drink tea than coffe.
-Sany would rather be cooking than washing.


NEED dan DARE  ( Semi Modal )
Disebut semi modal alasannya ialah disatu sisi kedudukannya bisa sebagai
ordinary, sedangkan disisi lain bisa berposisi sebagai auxiliary.
a.NEED dikala berposisi sebagai
noun  (kata benda ) diartikan
*Our needs are few . (Kebutuhan-kebutuhan kita sedikit )
b.NEED dikala berposisi sebagai Ordinary Verb artinya membutuhkan
atau memerlukan.
*I need to drink milk.  ( Saya butuh
minum susu )
c.NEED dikala berposisi sebagai Modal Auxiliary biasanya berbentuk
negative atau kebalikan dari MUST.
*You needn’t help me, I can do it by myself .( Kamu tidak perlu
membantuku, saya bisa melakukannya sendiri)
a. DARE bermakna tantangan dikala berposisi sebagai Noun.
*Can you take a dare ? ( Dapatkah kau mengambil tantangan )
*Criss John accepts Mike Tyson’s dare . ( Criss John menerima
tantangan Mike Tyson )
b. DARE dikala berposisi sebagai Verb Ordinary bermakana menantang.
*Criss John dares Mike Tyson. ( Criss John menantang Mike Tyson )
*They didn’t dare to face it. ( Mereka tidak menantang untuk
menghadapinya )
c. DARE dikala berposisi sebagai Modal Auxiliary diartikan berani
sama dengan mqkna pada Verb Ordinarynya.
*He dare come to my house. ( Dia berani tiba ke rumahku ) Modal
*He dares to come to my house ( Dia berani tiba ke rumahku ) Verb
*She dare tell the truth. ( Dia berani bercerita yang bahwasanya ) Modal
*She dares to tell the truth. ( Dia berani bercerita yang bahwasanya ) Verb Ordinary

Semoga bermanfaat.

Senin, 26 Juli 2021

Pembahasan Adjective Clause Dan Penggunaan Relative Pronoun


Adjective Clause and Relative Pronoun Complete Pembahasan Adjective Clause dan Penggunaan Relative Pronoun
Terdiri dari dua kata yaitu Adjective dan Clause. Seperti yang kita ketahui Adjective dalam bahasa Inggris yakni kata sifat, sedangkan Clause yakni rangkaian kata yang bermakna dan berpola S + V yang membentuk kalimat atau bab dari kalimat.

Clause terdiri dari Main Clause / Independent Clause / Induk kalimat dan Sub Clause/Dependent Clause/Anak Kalimat.

Main Clause atau disebut juga induk kalimat yakni rangkaian kata yang terdiri dari subjek dan predikat yang mempunyai makna dan sanggup bangkit sendiri .
Contoh :
*I like reading.
*The book is important
*She has understood.

Sub Clause atau  anak kalimat yakni rangkaian kata yang tidak sanggup bangkit sendiri membentuk kalimat atau hanya bab dari kalimat . Artinya Sub Clause tergantung pada Main Clause.
Contoh :
*I go because you hate me. I go yakni Main Clause , because you hate me yakni Sub Clause.

Sub Clause dibagi menjadi 3 :
1. Noun Clause
Yaitu Sub Clause yang berfungsi sebagai noun .
*You know what I want . ( Kamu tahu apa yang saya inginkan) what I want menggantikan noun (kata benda) misalkan yang kita inginkan yakni uang, rumah dan sebagainya.

2. Adjective Clause
Yaitu anak kalimat (Sub Clause) yang berfungsi sebagai Adjective untuk menjelaskan noun (kata benda) yang terdapat dalam induk kalimat (Main Clause) sehingga membentuk rangkaian Noun Phrase.

3. Adverbial Clause
Adverbial caluse yaitu Sub Clause yang berfungsi sebagai Adverb. Di dalam Adjective Clause terdapat Relative Pronoun dan Relative Adverb. 

Relative Pronoun yakni Conjunction (kata hubung) yang sekaligus berfungsi menggantikan posisi subjek atau objek dalam rangkaian Adjective Clause. Relative Pronoun disebut juga sebagai Relative Clause. Sedangkan Relative Adverb yakni Conjunction (kata hubung) yang sekaligus berfungsi menggantikan posisi subjek atau objek dalam rangkaian Adverbial Clause.

Penggunaan Relative Pronoun.
a. Relative Pronoun sebagai pengganti subjek.
Conjunction yang dipakai yakni (WHO,THAT,WHICH)
Dalam bahasa Indonesia relative pronoun (WHO,THAT,WHICH) bermakna “YANG”.

WHO/THAT untuk subjek orang (Person)
Contoh kalimat :
MC : The boy sits beside me. (Seorang pemuda duduk di sebelahku)
SC : He has a new car . ( Dia mempunyai kendaraan beroda empat gres )
*The boy who/that has a new car sits beside me. (Seorang pemuda yang mempunyai kendaraan beroda empat gres duduk di sebelahku).
MC :The old man is not working in this company anylonger.
SC : He got’s fired for not doing his job well.
*The old man who/that got’s fired for not doing his job well is not working in this company anylonger.
MC : Won’t your mother help the old man ?
SC : He lives  alone in proverty.
*Won’t your mother help the old man who/that lives alone in proverty?

WHICH/THAT untuk subjek bukan orang (Non Person)
Contoh kalimat:
MC : Rice is our main food.
SC : It causes us fat.
*Rice which causes us fat is our main food.
MC : The book is lost.
SC :It was borrowed by Fajar.
*The book which was borrowed by Fajar is lost.
MC : The articles won’t be published soon.
SC : They need to be edited.
*The article that need to be editednwon’t be publised soon.

b. Relative Pronoun sebagai pengganti objek
Conjunction yang dipakai yakni (WHOM, WHO, THAT, WHICH ) dan penghilangan (Omitting) Relative Pronoun.
WHOM, WHO dan THAT untuk subjek orang (Person)
WHOM dipakai untuk Formal English atau Standar Written English.

Contoh kalimat :
MC : The students look tired.
SC : I teach them.
*The students whom I teach look tired.
MC : Where have you met the job applicant ?
SC : Many companies have rejected her .
*Where have you met the job applicant who/whom/that/ O many companies have rejected ?
MC : The tenant does not stay in this apartment anymore.
SC : This official letterr is addressed to him.
*The tenant who/whom/that/ O this official letterr is addressed to does not stay in thisd apartment anymore. Atau
* The tenant to whom this official letterr is addressed to does not stay in thisd apartment anymore.
Note : Jika sebelum kata ganti objek ( objek pronoun) didahului kata kerja depan ( Preposition ) maka kata depan ( Preposition )boleh ditempatkan sebelum WHOM.(by whom,for whom, in whom, from whom)

WHICH/THAT dan penghilangan (omitting) Relative Pronoun untuk objek bukan orang (Non Person)
WHICH dipakai untuk Formal English atau Standar Written English.

Contoh kalimat :
MC : I have found a coin.
SC : Ulfa searched it.
* I have found a coin which Ulfa searched.
MC : The book is interesting.
Sc : They read it.
*The book which they read is interesting.
MC : Where is the crazy dog chained ?
SC : A child was bitten by it.
* Where is the crazy dog which/that/O a child is bitten by chained ? atau
* Where is the crazy dog by which a child is bitten chained ?
Note : Jika sebelum kata ganti objek ( objek pronoun) didahului kata kerja depan ( Preposition ) maka kata depan ( Preposition ) boleh ditempatkan sebelum WHICH. (by which,for which, in which, from which)

c. Relative Pronoun pengganti kepemilikan .
Conjunction yang dipakai yakni WHOSE.
Relative Pronoun WHOSE dipakai untuk menggantikan Possessive Adjective ( kata ganti milik) dari kata ganti utama ( Main Noun ). Relative Pronoun WHOSE harus diikuti kata benda .
Relative Pronoun WHOSE sanggup dipakai untuk orang (person) atau selain orang (non person).

Contoh kalimat :
MC : The plane is danger.
SC : Its landing wels can not work properly.
* The plane whose landing wels can not work properly is danger.
MC : The girl has 5 boy friends.
SC : Her father is an army.
* The girl whose father is an army has 5 boy friends.
MC : The children look very frightened.
SC : Their ball struck a man in a boat.
* The children whose ball struck a man in a boat look very frightened.

Note : Khusus untuk kata benda utama (main noun) yang berasal dari kata benda bukan orang ( non person ), maka untuk menyatakn makna kepemilikan (possessive meaning) sanggup memakai Possessive Adjective (kata ganti milik) atau "the noun of the noun".
Contoh kalimat :
MC : When was the building built ?
SC 1: Its pillar have been cracked.
* When was the building whose pillars have been cracked built ?
Sc 2 : The pillars of it have been cracked.
*When was the building, the pillars of which have been cracked, build ?

IT di Sub Clause yang kedua yakni kata ganti objek dari The building (noun) dan IT diganti dengan Relative Pronoun WHICH. Sub Clause 1 dan Sub Clause 2 mempunyai arti yang sama. Dalam bahasa tulis ( written expression) Main Clause dan Sub Clause harus dipisahkan dengan tanda baca koma ( , ).
Contoh-contoh lain :
MC : Will Erly attend the seminar ?
SC : The schedule of it confuses participants.
* Will Erly attend the seminar, the schedule of which confuses participants ?
MC : Who has cooked the soup ?
SC : Everyone likes the taste of it .
* Who has cooked the soup, the taste of which everyone likes ?
MC : The plants only grow on the mountain , don’t they ?
SC : The leaves of them can be used to heal disease.
* The plants, the leaves of which can be used to heal disease, only grow on the mountain , don’t they ?

d. Relative Pronoun dengan memakai Expression of Number ( some of, one of, both of, all of )
Relative Pronoun sanggup dipakai bersama Expression of Number ( some of, one of, both of, all of )

Contoh :
MC : The students are studying in the classroom.
SC : Some of them ask questions to the teacher .
* The students, some of whom ask questions to the teacher, are studying in the classroom.
MC : When were the fishermen rescued from the sea ?
SC : Two of them had died before the rescue team arrived .
* When were the fishermen, two of whom had died before the rescue team arrived, rescued from the sea ?
MC : The trees were planted years ago.
SC : The loggers will cut most of them soon.
* The trees, most of which the loggers will cut, were planted years ago.
MC : Are the bikes still being repaired ?
SC : One of them belongs to your sister .
* Are the bikes, one of which belongs to your sister, still being repaired ?
MC : The child was bought to a hospital for a emergency treatment.
SC : Both of her arms got paralised suddenly.
* The child, both of whose arms got paralised suddenly, was bought to a hospital for a emergency treatment. 
MC : When did Ana buy the sugar ?
SC : Mother needs some of it for her cookies .
* When did Ana buy the sugar, some of which mother needs for her cookies ?
MC : Who is going to repaire the city car ?
SC : One of its tires became flat on the street.
*Who is going to repaire the city car, one of whose tires became flat on the street?

Note : Ketika Relative Pronoun dipakai bersama dengan Expression of Number, Main Clause dan Sub Clause harus dipisahkan dengan tanda koma ( , ) khususnya dalam bahasa goresan pena ( Written English ).

 e. Relative Pronoun untuk mengganti keterangan
Conjunction yang dipakai yakni WHERE, WHEN, dan WHY .
Penggunaan WHERE
WHERE dipakai untuk menggabungkan kata benda utama (main noun ) dengan kata keterangan kawasan ( Adverb of Place ).

Contoh :
MC : Will the building be renovated soon ?
SC : The first Asia Africa Conference was carried out there . ( in that building)
* Will the building where The first Asia Africa Conference was carried out be renovated soon ?
MC : The park is completed with a large beautiful garden , isn’t it ?
SC : Many young people spend their time there ( in that park ).
*The park where many young people spend their time is completed with a large beautiful garden, isn’t it?
MC : Is the highway always congested in the busy hours ?
SC : You saw a terrible accident there ( on that highway).
* Is the highway where you saw a terrible accident always congested in the busy hours ?

Selain memakai Relative Pronoun WHERE untuk menghubungkan dengan keterangan kawasan (Adverb of Place) dengan kata benda utama (main noun), kita juga sanggup memakai WHICH atau THAT.
Contoh :
MC : The big city becomes the center of the government.
SC : Millions people live there ( in that city )
*The big city where millions people live becomes the center of the government. Atau
*The big city which/that/O Millions people live in becomes the center of the government. Atau
*The big city in which millions people live becomes the center of the government.

Penggunaan WHEN
WHEN dipakai untuk menggabungkan kata benda utama (main noun) dengan kata keterangan waktu (Adverb of Time ).

Contoh :
MC : Azoka can’t forget the day.
SC : He went away then (on that day)
* Azoka can’t forget the day when he went away. Atau
* Azoka can’t forget the day on which he went away.
* Azoka can’t forget the day which he went away.   (salah)

* Azoka can’t forget the day that he went away. Atau
* Azoka can’t forget the day he went away. ( Omitting Relative Pronoun )

Note : Preposision (kata depan) untuk keterangan waktu (Adverb of Time) hanya dipakai sebelum WHICH (on which, at which, in which ).
Contoh-contoh lain :
MC : Is January the month ?
SC : All people celebrate a new year then (In that month)
* Is January the month when/in which all people celebrate a new year ?
MC : The teacher told us the time.
SC : We would face the written test then ( at that time )
* The teacher told us the time when/at which we would face the written test ?

Preposition of time


Penggunaan WHY
WHY dipakai untuk menggabungkan kata benda utama (main noun) dengan kata keterangan alasan (Adverb of Reason). WHY hanya dipakai dengan main noun the reason .
Contoh :
Andy told me the reason why Vio was absent in the aftenoon class yesterday.
The reason why people are very busy earning money is very common.

f. Jenis-jenis Adjective Clause
Ada 2 jenis Adjective Clause yaitu :
1. Identifying Clause
Identifying Clause dalah klausa yang dipakai untuk mengidentifikasi kaytabenda yang diikuti klausa tersebut . Identifying Clause sangat penting alasannya yakni tanpa klausa itu kita tidak tahu benda yang mana yang dibicarakan si pembicara.
Contoh :
*The man feels confused. ( Kalimat ini belum sanggup dipahami alasannya yakni kita tidak tahu lelaki mana yang dibicarakan maka kita harus meletakkan klausa yang menjelaskan lelaki yang mana yang dimaksudkan).
Contoh lain :
*The man who lost much money in his business feels confused.
Adjective Clause who lost much money in his business itu menjelaskan The man di induk kalimat (Main Clause ).

Contoh-contoh lain :
MC : The temple is used for workshiping.
SC : It has many statues and reliefs.
* The temple which/that has many statues and reliefs is ethniscused for workshiping.
MC : The sailors are sailing a cross the strait to catch fish.
SC : We know and adore them.
* The sailors who/whom/that/O we know and adore are sailing a cross the strait to catch fish.
MC : The city never sleeps night and day.
SC : Its populations are multi ethnics.
* The city whose populations are multi ethnics never sleeps night and day.
MC : When was the wounded rabbit found ?
SC : It was neglected by her mother.
* When was the wounded rabbit which/that was neglected by her mother ?
MC : Are the problems very confusing ?
SC : Many people are trying to solve them.
* Are the problems which/that/O are trying to solve them ?

Cara pembentukan Adjective Clause
1. Analisa kedua kalimat.
2. Cari noun dan pronoun yang sama dari kedua kalimat. (Lihat karakter yang berwarna merah ! )
3. Ganti pronoun kalimat ke 2 dengan conjunction yang sesuai.
4. Letakkan rangkaian tersebut (Sub Clause) sehabis noun (kalimat ke 1) yang sama.

2. Non- Identifying Clause
Non- Identifying Clause yakni klausa yang dipakai hanya untuk memberi keterangan lanjutan/tambahan tetapi bukan untuk mengidentifikasi kata benda yang diikuti klausa tersebut alasannya yakni kata benda utama (main noun) sudah diidentifikasi dengan Nama, Possessive Adjective, Expressions of measurement dan Demonstrative words (kata penunjuk). Klausa ini tidak umum dipakai dalam bahasa cakap (spoken language), tetapi lebih umum dipakai dalam bahasa tulis.

Contoh :
*Professor William, who/that invented a talking robot, was nominated to get a gold medal.
Klausa “who invented a talking robot” tidak dipakai untuk menidentifikasi "Professor William”  sebagai kata benda utama (main noun), tetapi klausa itu hanya memberi keterangan embel-embel wacana "Professor William”.

Contoh-contoh yang lain :
*My smartphone, which/that/O my sister sold, is still in a good shape.
*This class, which/that emphasizes to develop the speaking skill, often becomes a student’s favourite.
*Who is talking to dr. Anthony, whose wife was kidnapped few days ago ?
*Rita’s new bookstore, where the fire took place last night, has been insured.
*Have you inverviewed your school principal, whom/who/that/O all students are proud of.?
*Azmil, whose father passed away last year, has to earn living for her mother ang her brother.
*Yussy drank a cup of tea, which she wanted to serve to her mother’s guest.

Note :
  • Relative Pronoun THAT tidak bisa dipakai untuk Non- Identifying Clause.
  • WHOM/WHICH untuk penggunaan kata ganti objek (using object pronoun) tidak boleh dihilangkan/dihapus (omitted/deleted).
  • Untuk bahasa tulis (Written Expressions) , Main Clause dan Sub Clause harus dipisahkan dengan tanda baca koma ( , ). 
Itulah Pembahasan Adjective Clause dan Penggunaan Relative Pronoun yang sanggup saya bagikan. . Semoga bermanfaat. Jika anda mempunyai pendapat lain, jangan sungkan untuk berkomentar. Sekian dan terima kasih :)